Monday, September 22, 2014

wade in the water

Nothing went to plan today.

To start things off my laptop crashed and who knows if I'll get all the info back from it.
(this includes multiple paintings, one that was going to try and finish today).
To console myself I decided, heck, If I cant get my computer to turn on I'm going to go into town a little early before work and do a painting that I keep thinking would be very nice.

 And then the time comes, I need wrap up and go into work. Surprise, I didn't really need to work today. (actually a nice surprise). If only I could have stayed painting and didn't need to head into work before finding that out.

All things considered however, I am super glad I got to go in and do myself a nice sketch. I think I might clean this one up a little and put it on my wall/ sell it.

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